My Marvelous Maids

The Benefits of Home Cleaning

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Cleaning the surface thoroughly is important

Are you sick and tired of the constant scrubbing, mopping, and dusting that you need to do in order to keep your home spic and span? If you’re thinking about giving up, just remind yourself of all the perks of home cleanliness. Even though it can be repetitive, exhausting, and time-consuming, the benefits of home cleaning and having it perfectly sanitized are undeniable.

Why having a clean home is important?

There are many reasons why cleaning is a necessity. If you have a pristine home, you will:

  1. Ward off disease

    Hygienic practices have an enormous effect on your health. Harmful bacteria, dust mites, and allergens lurk around the house. Letting them accumulate poses a risk for serious illnesses. Check out these recommendations on water, sanitation and environmentally-related hygiene by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  2. Eliminate odors

    Nobody likes a stinky house! Bacteria are the main cause of foul smells so proper sanitation is the only way to neutralize them.

  3. Know where everything is

    Putting your possessions where they belong makes it easier to find them later on, which is crucial when you’re in a hurry. A well-organized space will make your life easier in the long run.

  4. Boost your motivation

    The condition of your living space can reflect other areas of your life. For example, most people are more likely to be motivated to prepare a balanced, healthy meal in a tidy kitchen. Organize your space and watch it affect other things you do.

Why is home cleaning good for you?

Do you hate the idea of cleaning? While it’s not everybody’s favorite, housework has many perks to consider:

  • It’s therapeutic: Who says cleaning needs to be a dull, mind-numbing activity? Why not put some upbeat music on and have a dance session while you’re mopping the floor? Or play an audiobook while you’re scrubbing the bathroom tiles? Some prefer to get lost in thought and cherish their alone time while cleaning. It’s all up to you!
  • It’s a form of exercise: Cleaning is a great workout, which you can do whenever you’re at home – no special equipment or workout gear needed! Get your heartbeat up and burn some calories. Kill two birds with one stone – have both a fit physique and a neat home!
  • It’s a chance for family time: Are you unsure about if it is time to teach your child to clean? Housework is done best when it’s a joint effort. Spending time together while doing housework strengthens the bonds between family members. This is a great opportunity to teach your child important life skills and instill a good work ethic. 
  • It provides a sense of achievement: There’s nothing better than to gaze upon a pile of neatly folded, freshly scented laundry. You’ll feel great about yourself when you sink into a plush sofa after vigorous decluttering, look around you and realize how much you’ve accomplished.

But what if you don’t have the time to clean?

The good news is you don’t have to do back-breaking work to achieve supreme house cleanliness anymore. Now there’s a simpler way to keep your surfaces free of clutter. Just contact outstanding maid services in Lisle, your shortcut to premium home hygiene. A reliable home cleaning expert can do all the housework you do, only better!

What are the finest maid services in Lisle?

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Are you wondering how to manage cleaning when you have no time? There’s an easy fix to all your cleanliness issues! Book an appointment with My Marvelous Maids, a first-class, time-saving, absolutely fantastic maid service operating in Lisle, IL. These cleaners will sweep you off your feet with outstanding expertise, dedication, and hard work!

Explore the trails in Danada Forest Preserve without a care in the world. Your residence will always be 100% hygienic and guest-ready with the help of these cleaning superstars. Have a sparkling house any day!

How Do I Teach My Children To Clean?

The parents of small children understand the struggle of keeping the house spick and span. Even when you’ve tidied up the place, you can’t rest easy for long. A minute later, a toy pops out behind the living room sofa, crayons are scattered on the kitchen floor and there are food spills all over the dining room! And teaching your children to clean their mess is not easy. 

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Considering how crucial hygiene is in keeping your family in perfect health, don’t just let the mess pile up. If you’re at the end of your tether, hire a first-rate maid service in Lisle, IL to get rid of the clutter once and for all. Also, you want to instill good values in your children, including the importance of home hygiene. Therefore, your children should learn how to clean properly and make a habit out of doing simple housework. 

At what age should a child be able to clean their room? 

Although it might seem like your toddler is too young for housework, when it comes to creating good habits, it’s never too early. The sooner you start, the better! Just match your expectations to your children’s age and abilities. Toddlers are happy to be included in doing the housework with their family, without thinking of it as a chore. If you foster the habit of cleaning at a very early age, the chances are the child will carry this routine over into adulthood. 

How do I motivate my child to clean?

Even young children can learn how to take care of their space, such as to make their bed, put their toys away and load the dishwasher. If everyone does their part, the house will be in much better shape every day. If you think your children won’t take kindly to cleaning, think again. Here are some methods you can use in order to teach and inspire your kids to clean:

  1. Explain.

    Tell your child simply and clearly the advantages of having a pristine home. Say that it’s necessary to look after your home and possessions so that they look nicer and last longer.

  2. Give straightforward instructions.

    Very young children need to focus on one small task at a time and receive simple, direct guidelines. They won’t know what you expect of them if you tell them to tidy their bedroom but they will be able to carry out clear instructions, such as to put their Legos in a box.

  3. Teach by example.

    If you don’t practice what you preach, your children will pick up on it. When you’re neat and perform cleaning tasks regularly, your kids will grow up valuing cleanliness and order.

  4. Make it fun

    Cleaning can be an opportunity for bonding and learning, as well as a highly engaging activity. You could even turn it into a game and put their favorite music on. This way, they’ll look forward to cleaning every time.

  5. Give praise.

    Show them that you’re thankful for their effort. If they don’t do their task well, don’t criticize. Instead, go over it with them again and show them how to eliminate clutter successfully.

On the other hand, you should also pay attention to your child’s safety while they handle household items. They shouldn’t be left around harsh chemicals and electrical appliances unsupervised. Check out U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s guide to childproofing your home

Finish the chores together and make a great time out of it! Then you can take your kids out to see the cute Rocky Bardur and have a nice stroll in nature.

How to get a premium maid service in Lisle, IL?

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Sometimes, the whole family is engrossed in other duties and you can’t manage to have a clean home when you’re busy. At those times, you can hire a brilliant cleaning crew to deal with the mess! 

You can always book the cleaning services of My Marvelous Maids, we take cleaning seriously. The amazing maids will be on time, fully equipped, and will absolutely start to thoroughly clean your home! Book our superb services at a low price and worry about cleaning no more!

How To Keep Your Home Clean When Busy

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Everyone knows regular cleaning is a must in order to keep your space pleasant and livable. But when you’re on a tight schedule balancing work and family, cleaning is what you think of last. No one has the energy to combat dirty dishes in the kitchen sink and piled up clutter in the living room when they come home after a busy day.

Let’s face it, finding time for cleaning when you’re busy is tough. Sure, cleaning is important, but why not have someone else do your dirty work while you have fun, relax or bond with loved ones? This is where a competent maid service in Lisle, IL comes in. A crew of trained professionals will take care of any mess diligently and completely.

How do you keep your house clean with no time?

There are several measures you can take to improve the day-to-day condition of your home and put off general cleaning for a few days:

  1. Have a place for everything.

    Don’t cling onto items that don’t fit your space. Throw them out or give them away instead. If they’re something you still need and use, make room for them in a cupboard or on a shelf.

  2. Put items away as soon as you finish using them.

    This is a foolproof method if you’re not sure how to remove clutter efficiently. Instead of letting things pile up and create a full-on mess, return them to their designated space right after use.

  3. Divide chores among all family members.

    Keeping a home sparkling clean is much easier if the whole family chips in. There are easy ways to teach your child the importance of cleaning and get them to do their chores regularly.

  4. Stock up on green cleaning supplies

    If they’re always available, you’ll be more likely to reach for them on the daily.

  5. Book professional cleaning

    Another way to have a pristine home effortlessly is to hire a reputable cleaner. These experts have been trained to perform cleaning tasks properly so that your home shines when they’re done.

How can I clean my house if I work full time?

Juggling career and home duties is as hard. Here are some things to consider before you drive yourself crazy over a messy home:

  • Prioritize: Don’t beat yourself up about choosing work or rest over cleaning once in a while. Good organization is the key to managing it all. Plan out your schedule, put it up or save it on your phone and follow it as closely as possible.
  • Remind yourself that nothing is perfect: If you look for flaws, you’ll find them. Don’t scrutinize your home too harshly. It’s understandable there will be days when your house just isn’t looking right, especially with young children and pets in the household.
  • Give yourself some slack: Sometimes, even if you follow all expert tips to the letter, not everything will be spick and span. It’s important to accept that this is OK.

Alternatively, opt for professional cleaning services that can truly be a life-saver!

Where can I find the most trustworthy maid service in Lisle, IL?

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We are here! We are My Marvelous Maids. Our top priority is to make our clients’ lives easier and worry-free. The motivated professionals we’ll put you in touch with are the leading experts in home cleanliness. What is more, the cleaning supplies they use are absolutely safe.

Have your peace of mind and a perfectly sanitized residence. While you’re having a fun family time in Sea Lion Aquatic Park, your marvelous maids will be scrubbing, mopping and vacuuming away! Now you can have your cake and eat it too!

How to Deep Clean Your Home Quickly?

All homeowners want their homes to be their pride and joy. Everyday chores are necessary for routine upkeep of your property, but performing them regularly doesn’t mean your home will remain pristine. Consider giving your residence a deep clean from time to time to ensure perfect health and ultimate comfort at home.

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Learn how to perform an efficient deep clean yourself. Alternatively, opt for the highly efficient and absolutely time-saving deep house cleaning in Aurora. Reputable house cleaners will be committed, skilled, and eager to deliver top quality services. This way, you’ll be able to sit back and relax while your extraordinary maids roll up their sleeves.

How often should you clean everything in your house?

If you want your living space to be neat and tidy, you’re required to consistently keep the mess in check. The frequency of cleaning depends on many factors, such as the area of the house, the number of people in the household, whether there are any pets and small children. Here’s how often you should give some TLC to certain parts of the home:

  1. Daily

    It’s advisable to make your bed every day to put your bedroom in order. Also, disinfect kitchen countertops each day to prevent food contamination and avoid foodborne illnesses and germs. Bathroom surfaces should be disinfected as well.

  2. Weekly

    Mop and vacuum the floors, dust the furniture, clean glass surfaces, and change bed linen each week. You could do the laundry and ironing once a week or more often, depending on the individual needs of your family.

  3. Monthly

    Clean the fridge, oven, and dishwasher, next vacuum and mop behind and under furniture, and lastly, dust your blinds and light fixtures.

  4. Yearly

    It’s usually enough to deep clean carpets and upholstery, clean your fireplace, and wash your curtains once a year.

How long does it take to deep clean a house?

Light, routine cleaning tasks are usually just fine, but certain areas of the house require deep cleaning once a year to stay looking pristine. This is the case with carpeting and upholstery and other areas that are commonly not given as much attention, for example disinfecting trash cans, scrubbing grout, etc. 

The time required to accomplish these deep cleaning tasks varies depending on the size and condition of your home, but one thing is for sure – because of how detailed it is, a deep clean will take even longer than standard house cleaning!

What is the fastest way to deep clean a house?

Do you want your residence to be cleaned both thoroughly and quickly? Unfortunately, when it comes to a deep cleanse, there are no shortcuts. The complexity of deep cleaning requires time and effort. If you’re not in a position to dedicate hours on end to cleaning, hiring a team of expert maids is the way to go!

How do I get the best deep house cleaning in Aurora, IL?

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Are you looking for the best cleaning services available to Aurora locals? Then contact My Marvelous Maids and we’ll send top-notch cleaning pros with years of experience under their belt. Whether you need them to clean your bathroom tiles naturally, completely remove wall-stains or clean varnished wood without damaging it, these hard-working cleaning specialists will dazzle you with their dedication and expertise. 

We go above and beyond to care for our clients’ satisfaction and well-being. While you’re exploring the SciTech Hands On Museum, we’ll make sure you get the most dedicated cleaners who’ll be scrubbing away, making your home shine. Booking our service is quick and easy. Try it out today and make your place the place to be!

How to Clean Wooden Furniture?

Have your wooden furnishings lost their shine? Would you like to efficiently clean your stylish wooden items, but you worry about potentially damaging them? Then what you need is some great advice for having the cleanest wooden furniture. With these simple tips, you’ll be able to breathe new life into any wooden object at home.

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However, when time is scarce and you have plenty of other things to do, you might want someone to lend a helping hand. If you’d like pristine, dust-free furniture without wasting precious time and energy, contact superb cleaning services in Aurora, IL. 

Professional cleaners are trained and experienced in taking care of wooden furniture properly. If you hire renowned cleaners, you won’t ever have to fret about unsuitable cleaning agents ruining your lovely wooden items.

How do you clean wooden furniture?

Well-designed wooden furniture is a timeless classic, which can be a focal point of any room. Understandably, you don’t want any dust or discolorations on your favorite wooden pieces. So, how do you go about cleaning it?

  1. Dry dusting.

    Wipe down with a dry cloth to remove dust as part of everyday maintenance.

  2. Damp wiping.

    Wipe down with a damp and then dry cloth. Work fast so the wood doesn’t absorb unnecessary water.

  3. Dish soap & water.

    If there’s some dirt sticking to the surface, put a drop of mild dish soap into a cup of water and apply the mixture onto it. First, test it out on a hidden area of the furniture. If the wood finish doesn’t rub away, it’s fine to use.

  4. Waxing

    Use wax to give your furniture that extra sparkle. Apply it and let it sit for five to ten minutes before you rub it in with a dry cloth.

Your residence will be in line with household cleaning and sanitizing recommendations and your family happier and healthier than ever!

How do you remove sticky residue from wood furniture? 

Sticky residue is especially hard to remove because any king of vigorous rubbing or a harsh chemical can easily damage the finish. Generally, you should opt for a drop of gentle detergent mixed in with a cup of water. Apply on the spot in delicate motions without dampening the furniture excessively and then dry it with a cloth.

How do you clean varnished wood? 

Responsible homeowners do their best to keep their property spick and span, but the possible adverse effects of cleaning chemicals are a source of worry for many. For example, you might be wondering if bleach will destroy wall paint or if your sensitive wooden furnishings will be damaged in the cleaning process.

Varnished wood can be especially tricky because you always want to preserve the lovely varnished finish. To clean this type of finish, follow the steps given above. Pay extra attention:

  • Do not use alcohol or water-based cleaning solutions as these aren’t suitable for varnished wood.
  • Always double-check the label to see if it lists varnished wood as a surface to use a preferred product.

Enjoy the special look and charm of your varnished wood pieces!

What are the best cleaning services in Aurora, IL?

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You don’t know how to deep clean your home quickly? Reach out to My Marvelous Maids.

We will match you with the leading experts in household cleaning! We provide first-rate services to many happy regulars. On top of this, we can also give you expert tips on cleaning bathroom floor tiles.

While enjoying the peace and quiet at Red Oak Nature Center, forget all about tedious cleaning tasks. Let us take work off your hands and hand it over to the best cleaners around!